It is a healing technique that consists of puncture with fine needles into special points of the body.
The puncture stimulates these energy points producing a reaction that mobilizes the own energy of the person, achieving the cure of the disease.
It is an ancient technique that is part of traditional Chinese medicine. Today is already fully extended throughout the world.
Acupuncture is amazing. It deals with all kinds of diseases, and happens through all the specialties of the medicine:
This list is just an introduction with examples. There are many more diseases that are treated very well with acupuncture. Some really amazing.
In many cases a complete cure is achieved.
Acupuncture has various techniques and schools: classical Chinese acupuncture, contemporary metameric acupuncture, etc.
It has techniques that derive from it: auriculotherapy (French, Chinese), electroacupuncture, scalp acupuncture, zonal acupuncture (wrist – ankle), etc. Likewise, other techniques of traditional Chinese medicine are also used: moxibustion, Chinese herbal therapy, Chinese dietotherapy, cupping therapy, tuina (acupressure), etc.
Chinese and contemporary acupuncture